Associate Attorney - Commercial and Complex Litigation
Atkinson Andelson Loya Ruud & Romo See More Job Openings by This Employer
Job Description
Specific experience/skills sought are:
- At least four years of experience handling defense of wage and hour litigation, preferably class actions;
- Knowledge and experience of California and federal wage and hour laws, including overtime and meal and rest periods;
- Experience preparing and responding to written discovery in wage and hour litigation with limited supervision and oversight;
- Deposition experience and motion experience involving discovery issues;
- Experience putting together discovery plans and executing same;
- Excellent writing skills including opposing motions for class certification in wage and hour matters;
- Ability to interface with the client and convey a level of professionalism and competence in terms of both the legal and strategic issues in wage and hour litigation;
- Excellent communication and follow-through skills.